Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just getting started...

Well, the boys are in full pads!!!! They look so cute, but I'm not sure how much more I can take. They have started tackling and the twins are on defense, they are corner backs. One on each side, it's pretty funny because the older boys have said they are a tag team. They come at you from both sides, I say they are like Velociraptors they do sneak up on you. But, they have just started with the scrimmages and Isaiah has been having some helmet issues, so I can't wait until that is resolved so we can see this "TAG" team work together. But they are having a good time and enjoy hanging out with their friends, and trying to get their friends to the house every night. I just hope when it all gets started I will be able to sit still and won't be running out on the field.

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Christy said...

I'll be running on the field with you. Especially since Jakob will now be on offense in the most tackled position ever of Tight End! They needed someone who could catch the ball and block and they wanted him...YIKES!!

The boys are going to have everyone all confused! :)

Lisa said...

We need to get Jakob dressed in full gear and have the older boys chase him to help work on his speed! I still think if he has this slight fear of being caught he will move faster!

I can't wait to see how the twins do on the "tag" tackling...should be interesting!