Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years!!!!!!

Well this year I decided to stay in and enjoy my New Year's with four of the MEN in my life. Marcus had to work, yes he worked until about 12.30 am. Lisa and I decided to rent movies and the kids wanted pizza, so they got pizza. We enjoyed watching a couple of movies and we all got a little scare when the power went out for about a minute, after that I couldn't get the twins off me. Aunt Jamie joined our little party, it was nice just laughing and relaxing, and of course some arguing . We all stayed awake until the New Year, except Ethan and Isaiah who tried but missed by 20 minutes. The next day, the boys had fun putting on the hats and beads Popo and Nane brought back from their little trip.

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!!

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1 comment:

Christy said...

oh my gosh those hats are funny. They are going to hate these pictures when they are older!! Y'all had a more exciting one than we did, we were all asleep before midnight I think...except for Rob.. he tried to say Happy New Year to everyone but we were all already asleep!! :)