Monday, February 23, 2009

First Car!!!

Marcus finally got a car!! It's funny how things happen, I actually took my car to the dealership because I was having some issues. I was told it would take about an hour on my car so dad and I went looking around. Of course there were eager sales people all over us before we knew it. We told them we were just looking around, and then PoPo asked" well we are looking for a used car with low miles do you have any?" Do we have any? We just had a Civic brought in, it's still on the lot, no price, want to take a look? Well we did, and the car was in perfect condition, low miles, very clean, a nice little car and the price was right. So, needless to say Marcus has a car. He was so thankful and excited. He never thought this day would come, thank you Nane, PoPo.

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1 comment:

Lisa said...

Marcus looks so big next to the car! :-) Maybe for his graduation I'll make a car payment!